Mobile Parking System (MPS)

Our business proposal presents a pioneering, low-risk investment tool offering very high returns. We introduce an investment vehicle that aims to modernise the existing daily needs of a city, thus maintaining a very low level of risk while ensuring high yields for the investor. The innovative technology used in this platform acts as a lever of competitive advantage, requiring minimal installation and maintenance expenses compared to the expected inflows.

We offer a system that efficiently regulates outdoor parking spaces in congested areas. It targets downtown neighbourhoods and overcrowded market places, where finding a parking slot traditionally requires time and effort, and provides solutions to the management of organised parking lots.

Our app offers permanent residents and temporary visitors the opportunity to book a parking slot in advance, thereby allowing them to easily plan their daily schedule. Drivers can check the availability of a preferred parking slot, at any place and time, and book it in real time. The system will be automatically updated to reflect the change in the availability of the relevant slot, which may also be achieved offline for a limited amount of time.

The system is built in a way that is fully customisable to meet different local requirements. For instance, administrators can opt for the ability to charge low-cost rates to permanent residents and during off-peak hours, while discounts can be provided in favor of frequent users. Our mobile app facilitates online payments and provides driving instructions using a GPS, therefore allowing the driver to find the location of the exact parking spot that has been booked.

Mobile Parking System differs from other systems as it clearly marks the booked parking slots with built-in sensors and high-tech controllers that outsmart any alternative smart parking system as they verify the status of each slot and inform any passing driver to this end. Our technology allows the system to remain cost-competitive as regards both installation and maintenance. Our Central dedicated servers are updated with information provided by local controllers. Different local controllers are responsible for the management of all the slots in a given parking area. This function can be performed either online or offline, thus securing the ability of the central system to be properly updated at all times, while allowing for the opportunity to make use of sparsely distributed areas as parking spaces with great ease.

Our Company provides intelligent internet consoles for regulating the whole parking system. Moreover, once enough data is gathered, our smart AI controller may automatically adjust the pricing mechanisms depending on the prevailing supply and demand levels in the market.

Most importantly, it is possible to offer this system as a Service. In this case, our Company would assume complete control of the system’s installation, operation, and maintenance as well as collecting the fees, requiring no further intervention from the system’s external administrator. For instance, our system could be provided as a service to a municipality. Under such a scenario, the municipality would have to pay the installation cost and a fixed percentage of the collected fees as consideration for our services. This would ensure a smooth parking operation, happy users, and a great amount of income.

Alternatively, our system could also be offered as a reliable investment opportunity to investors. In this case, our Company would participate in the investment and take sole responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the system, without the need to ever engage the investor into day-to-day operation and management of the business.
We will act as a bridge between the investor and the county, ensuring the seamless function of the parking system and an amazing Return on Investment (ROI), producing outstanding profits on a consecutive annual basis.


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